
The Benefits of Raising Backyard Meat Chickens

Why You Should Raise Backyard Poultry for Meat
Have you ever wondered about where your food comes from? When you raise chickens in your own backyard, you don’t have to.

Raising your own poultry for meat is a great way to build appreciation for your food, and learn more about the animals that provide it to us.  

Starting a self-sufficient homestead may not be a feasible option for everyone. However, it is a highly rewarding endeavor with many benefits. From having unlimited access to fresh farm-to-table meat, to learning the value of hard work, it can introduce a lot of positive benefits into your life.

For people who have the time, the land, and the means to get a broiler flock off the ground, we highly recommend giving it a try.

Here are 5 benefits of raising your own backyard meat birds.

1.     Less Reliance on the Grocery Store
While getting your meat from a local grocery store is convenient, having your own backyard meat birds will offer you a level of control over your food supply.

Depending on where you live, access to high-quality poultry may be limited. Raising your own broiler chickens ensures you have a consistent supply of fresh, nutritious meat throughout the year.

By reducing your dependence on the grocery store, you can introduce the freshest food possible to your family and loved ones.

Depending on your flock size and the number of people living in your household, you may even end up saving some money in the long run. 

We think there are benefits to both, but there is no fresher option than having your own farm-to-table birds raised right in your own backyard.

2.     The Freedom to Try New Breeds
Most grocery store chickens are the highly efficient Cornish Cross, a fast-growing broiler that offers optimal feed conversion rates and excellent meat yield.

However, raising your own birds gives you the opportunity to try lesser-known alternative broilers that offer their own unique benefits.

For example, slow-growing heritage breeds like the Jackie offer a richer, gamier flavor that is sought after within niche markets.

You can also add a touch of beauty to your broiler flock with the Grey Broiler Mix, a hybrid that bears a resemblance to the Barred Rock chicken.

These breeds are not as widely used as the Cornish Cross, but they are still excellent meat birds that offer something a little different. 

While the tender, mild flavor of Cornish Cross is something most of us know and love, some growers come to prefer the rich flavor of alternative breeds. You may need to experiment with different breeds before landing on a favorite.

When choosing a broiler breed, we suggest growers consider what matters most to them: efficiency, meat yield, or flavor.

3.     Control Over How the Birds Are Raised
When you choose to raise your own backyard flock, you have the advantage of raising your broilers exactly how you prefer. 

A common motivation for raising backyard birds is having complete control over what the birds are eating and how they are housed—there are many ways to go about it, and it all depends on your own personal preference. 

Some of our customers and small-scale growers raise their birds on pasture, using chicken tractors to keep them safe from predators. This method has a positive impact on the land by introducing manure and beneficial nutrients back into the earth.

This method also has a positive effect on the chickens, as the access to fresh bugs and grass can lead to a more nutrient dense bird.

Raising your own birds gives you control over these elements that you wouldn’t have otherwise. It also gives you the opportunity to take a more sustainable approach to poultry farming.

4.     Learning New Skills 
With more Americans working desk jobs and leading increasingly digital lives, it's becoming more difficult to develop hands-on life skills. 

Raising your own meat birds gives you the opportunity to work with your hands, step away from the screens, and develop valuable life skills that are applicable to other areas of your life. 

From the moment your chicks arrive, you’ll start to gain practical knowledge about poultry care

Setting up and maintaining a brooder will teach you how to regulate temperature, monitor bird health, and troubleshoot common issues on your own.

As your broiler chicks grow into pullets, you’ll learn to track their feed conversion rates and assess their growth progress. You’ll also be working outside more often as you tend to their coop and complete daily chores. 

When you are ready to process your birds, you’ll learn how to properly pluck and dress your birds for the dinner table. Throughout the entire life cycle of your chickens, you’ll be acquiring new skills every step of the way.

The best part about raising chickens for meat? No matter how many times you have done it, there is always something new to learn. 
5.     Connecting with Your Food, Your Family, and Your Community 
Unless you come from an agricultural background, it's easy to become disconnected from where our food comes from.

Raising poultry for meat provides a way to bridge that gap, giving you a greater appreciation for the food on your table and the work that goes into producing it.

For families, raising meat birds can also be a fun and educational experience. Kids learn valuable lessons about animal care, responsibility, and the food cycle.

If raising broiler chickens at home isn’t an option for you, getting involved in local 4-H or university agricultural programs can be a great way to gain hands-on experience.

Many of our team members at Myers Poultry got their start in 4-H—those formative experiences shaped their lifelong passion for poultry farming!

Raise Your Own Meat Birds with Myers Poultry
At one point or another, we may take our food for granted—but raising your own meat birds helps you foster a deeper appreciation for where it all comes from.

With more people turning to homesteading and sustainable farming, we hope to play a part in helping growers become more connected to their food sources. 

We offer a variety of meat chicken breeds, from traditional broilers to heritage breeds. If you’re ready to give it a try, we have a team available to help you every step of the way. 


We're here to help.

With more than 30 years of hands-on experience, our team can help keep your flock healthy. We’d be glad to answer questions about raising poultry or offer advice about your current flock.

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