
Myers Poultry offers a variety of turkey poults to suit different market needs. Our commercial turkeys are the most favorable option for large scale production due to their high meat yield and fast growth. We also offer rare, heritage turkey breeds that are ideal for small turkey farms.

Commercial Turkeys

Commercial Turkeys

Commercial Turkeys

Our commercial turkey poults are ideal for large-scale production. These birds grow rapidly and deliver maximum meat yield. Perfect for growers that value efficiency and conversion rates.
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Heritage Turkeys

Heritage Turkeys

Heritage Turkeys

Heritage turkeys are a popular choice in niche markets. These are beautiful birds that closely resemble their wild ancestors. They are slow to moderate growers, but the flavor of their meat is highly desirable and distinct from commercial turkeys.
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High-Yield Poults for Your Turkey Farm or Homestead

If you're looking for a high-yield bird with quick growth and excellent meat yield, then our turkey poults are the perfect addition to your turkey farm.

We know every farm has different goals and caters to unique market needs. Our selection of commercial and heritage breeds will give you the flexibility to choose the birds that are right for you. 

For small farms and growers within niche markets that are seeking something truly special, our heritage turkeys provide a unique option. The Artisan Gold is a slow-growing breed known for its rich, gamey flavor—ideal for those looking to elevate their holiday or special occasion meals.

We recommend our Broad Breasted White turkey for commercial growers that value efficiency and meat yields above all other factors. 

Caring for Your Turkeys
Before you buy turkey poults, it’s essential to understand their care requirements. Turkeys grow to be very large birds, so they require ample space and feed in order to thrive. They can also be more sensitive than chickens, so extra care should be taken to follow biosecurity measures. 

The benefit of turkeys is that they are cold-hardy and natural foragers, so they will thrive in pastured poultry settings where they can express their natural behaviors. 

To ensure a safe shipment of our birds, we have a minimum order quantity of 5 per breed for each order. However, if you're picking up in person, there is no minimum order required. Please read about each breed to learn more.

Whether you’re a seasoned farmer or new to raising turkeys, our knowledgeable team at Myers Poultry is here to answer your questions and help you get started.

We're here to help.

With more than 30 years of hands-on experience, our team can help keep your flock healthy. We’d be glad to answer questions about raising poultry or offer advice about your current flock.

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