In some cases, bigger is not always better. Bantam chickens are a small variety of poultry, sometimes referred to as mini chickens. They lay smaller eggs and require less space and maintenance than larger varieties, which makes them a great choice for beginners or backyard hobbyists with smaller coops.
Bantam Best Buy
Bantam Best Buy
Available 6/3
Can't decide which Bantams to add to your flock? Let Myers Poultry choose for you. Bantam assortments may include feather legged or clean legged varieties, and may include any of the breeds we currently have available. Breeds cannot be requested for assortments.
As the name suggests, this Bantam is originally from England. Like all Old English breeds, these charming birds have a cocky, upright stance and an air of confidence. They are popular within the show circuit.
Elegance comes naturally to the Golden Sebright. Their unique plumage features a sharply defined black lace pattern. This is the only Bantam breed where males and females have nearly identical coloration.
This Bantam breed originated in Belgium. They add a splash of color to any flock with their speckled, multi-colored plumage. To top it off, this breed has charming muffed cheeks and feathered feet.
This Bantam breed originated in Belgium in the 1900s. Like the Mille Fleur, this D'uccle has feathered feet and muffs that give them a unique charm. Their coloration is one of the most popular varieties.
Like other Old English Bantams, this bird has an upright posture that gives them a confident look. Because of their poise and attractive coloration, these birds are popular within the show circuit.
Like other Old English Bantams, this breed has an upright stance that exudes confidence. They have sharply contrasted black and white feathers and a poised look that is highly suitable for exhibition.
Another variety of the Sebright Bantam. This bird has stark white or silvery feathers, sharply defined by black edges. The small feather shape combined with the black outline gives a beautiful lace appearance.
Originating from Japan and China, this Bantam breed is a true standout. Their unique, barbless plumage gives them a soft, fluffy appearance. White Silkie chickens are very docile and incredibly popular as pets.
Bantams come in so many colors and feather patterns, you will never be short on beautiful options to add to your flock! We offer feather legged and clean legged varieties.
All About Bantams
This tiny variety of poultry typically weighs no more than 2 lbs. They are a great size for children and they make wonderful pets.
They do lay eggs, but Bantam eggs are about half the size of a standard chicken egg. These chickens are not as productive as standard layer breeds.
It’s important to remember that Bantams are not as hardy as other poultry breeds. These birds are best suited to warmer climates, and they do not fare well in extreme cold or extreme heat.
They can be raised alongside standard size chickens, but extra care will need to be taken to ensure there is no excessive bullying among the flock.
Due to how small they are at hatch, Bantam chicks cannot be sexed. They will always be sold as straight run.
Bantam Chickens Are Great for Beginners
These chickens are naturally friendly, and much smaller than a standard size chicken.
Smaller chickens equate to a lot of good things: less waste, less mess, and less costs to upkeep your flock.
They are a great beginner breed for those who have limited space available or less experience raising chickens.
A Broody Breed
Bantams are a notoriously broody bunch, so be prepared for broody hens. They will hatch and raise the chicks of other birds, even those of a different species.
We're here to help.
With more than 30 years of hands-on experience, our team can help keep your flock healthy. We’d be glad to answer questions about raising poultry or offer advice about your current flock.