There are so many exciting shades you can expect from our brown egg laying hens. Our breeds are hardy and dependable, giving you an assortment of brown eggs year-round.
Red Sex Link
Red Sex Link
Available 3/11
When it comes to brown egg layers, the Red Sex Link is one of the best egg laying chickens on the market. Also known as the Isa Brown and Golden Buff, this hybrid is a top choice for any farm due to their low feed conversion rates and high egg yield.
This hybrid is the larger sister breed of the Red Sex Link. Similar to the Red Sex Link, Amber Links are consistent producers of large to extra-large brown eggs. This breed is also an excellent forager, making them a good choice for those who prefer pastured poultry.
This dual-purpose chicken is a fan favorite for good reason. In addition to being good egg producers, Barred Rocks make excellent meat birds due to their robust and stocky build. They are a beautiful and productive addition to any flock.
The Black Sex Link chicken is a heritage cross between a Barred Rock and Rhode Island Red. You get the best of both worlds with this hybrid breed. Their excellent egg yield and large bodies make them highly suitable for both egg and meat production.
This heritage breed is one of the most popular layer birds on the market. Rhode Island Reds are well-known for being particularly hardy and resilient. If you are looking for a bird that is dependable with great egg laying capabilities, this is the layer for you.
This dual-purpose heritage breed originates from Australia. Black Australorps are exceptionally calm and easy to handle, making them ideal for backyard flocks and hobbyists. They are also quite reliable when it comes to their egg laying capabilities.
This brown egg layer is an all-time fan favorite. Buff Orpingtons are well-known for being one of the friendliest chicken breeds, so they are a great choice for beginners. They are more likely to go broody, so they are ideal for those looking to start a homestead.
This beautiful black and white chicken has attractive lace feathering that adds a striking look to any backyard or exhibition. The Silver Laced Wyandotte is very similar to their sister breed, the Golden Laced Wyandotte, but with different coloring.
This beautiful black and gold chicken has attractive lace feathering that adds a striking look to any backyard or exhibition. The Golden Laced Wyandotte is very similar to their sister breed, the Silver Laced Wyandotte, but with different coloring.
This hybrid is crossed with an Andalusian male and Plymouth Barred Rock female. This is a newer breed that is becoming more popular. They are considered to be exceptionally attractive with unique coloring and patterns, ranging from blueish gray to lavender.
These birds have beautiful feathered feet, making them a standout choice for any backyard or exhibition. The Light Brahma is exceptionally large, but don't let their intimidating size fool you. These birds are as gentle and docile as they come.
True to their name, this is one of the largest dual-purpose chicken breeds on the market. The Jersey Black Giant is a gentle one, however. They are exceptionally docile and calm, making them a good choice for those who want to raise easy to handle birds.
What makes chickens that lay brown eggs so special? Brown egg layers are typically docile, hardy, and perfect for a backyard chicken keeper. While not all breeds produce as many eggs as the Red Sex Link, our full selection of layers produce enough eggs to keep most backyard hobbyists stocked with eggs throughout the year.
We offer 12 varieties of brown egg laying hens. Depending on the breed and local climate conditions, you can expect your brown egg layers to produce anywhere from 200-320 eggs per year. Rhode Island Red and Buff Orpington are popular backyard breeds known for consistently producing large brown eggs. True to its name, the Jersey Black Giant produces some of the largest brown eggs among all breeds due to its larger body frame.
To ensure a safe shipment, there is a minimum order quantity for brown egg layer chicks. There is no minimum for pickup. Reach out today with any questions about the best brown egg laying chickens. We're here to help.
We're here to help.
With more than 30 years of hands-on experience, our team can help keep your flock healthy. We’d be glad to answer questions about raising poultry or offer advice about your current flock.