The Welsh Harlequin is a relatively new breed of domestic duck. They are an offshoot from two Khaki Campbells that had a color mutation. This duck breed retains a lot of the Khaki Campbell's best qualities.
A Relatively New Breed
Once the mutation was discovered within the Khaki Campbell flock, growers decided to selectively breed for this trait to create a new breed. They are considered to be quite attractive, similar in looks to a Mallard.
Welsh Harlequin males have green iridescent heads with a mixture of white to brown plumage. Females are lighter in color with mostly silver/white feathers and some buff coloration. Both genders have a beautiful colored bar on their wing.
In optimal conditions, growers can expect between 100-150 eggs per year. They are hardy in all climates, so they will continue to lay throughout the year.
While this bird is on the smaller side, they are still suitable as a meat bird. Similar to the Buff duck, the Welsh Harlequin are easily plucked and cleaned. Their under feathers are mostly white, so this makes for easy processing.
They have an exceptionally calm and inquisitive nature, so they would be well-suited as a pet. They are great around kids.
These birds do not fly. They may occasionally go broody.
Mature weight between 4.5 to 5.5 lbs.
Ordering Details:
- A minimum of 3 total ducks are needed to ship, can be as few as 1 per breed.
- For pricing and orders above 299, or if ordering ducklings and goslings together, please call our office (814) 539-7026.
- Free shipping does not apply to ducklings and goslings.
- Add more ducks to your flock here.