Our colored layers offer far more than just beautiful eggs — these breeds are hardy and adaptable to a variety of climates. Add them to your flock today for a touch of beauty and productivity.
What Causes Colored Eggs?
Breed and genetics is what determines egg color. All eggs start out as white, but gradually become pigmented during the egg formation process inside the hen.
Green eggs are the result of crossing a blue layer with a brown layer. Common breeds that are used to achieve this are Ameraucanas and
Chickens that lay blue eggs have a naturally occurring genetic trait that causes blue pigmentation.
Olive Eggers are one of the most popular colored layers. This breed is family-friendly and a favorite among backyard growers. Read more about the breed to see if they are right for you.
How to Order Your Layers
Grow your flock today! Call, email, or order online to get started.
To ensure a safe shipment of our poultry, we have minimum order quantities in place. Read more about each breed for requirements. If you are local, there is no minimum on pick up orders.
If you'd like to add other layers to your flock, browse our
full catalog here.
Have other questions? Reach out to us at
Myers Poultry.